

是的! 阈值, our orientation program, is for both resident and commuter students. 这是你拿到学生证的地方, 敲定任何管理细节, 参加分班考试, and meet all your classmates who are also at North Park for the first time. We’ve also got a special commuter student welcome event with 零食 and free North Park swag.

If you have too much to carry around all day, you can rent a locker in either 布兰德图书馆-一楼 或者约翰逊中心的地下室. 去图书馆的借阅处或者 学生参与中心 在营业时间了解更多信息,并租用一个.

  • 图书馆: 52 lockers; Johnson Center: 45 lockers
  • 可以退学一学年吗
  • $15 deposit when checking out; returned when student returns the locker key

图书馆是一个你可以借阅笔记本电脑的地方, 有一个安静的学习空间吗, 找很多插座给笔记本电脑和手机充电. Sohlberg的合作实验室是一个很好的社交场所. 有一台电视,一台微波炉,还有免费的零食给学生. Many student clubs often meet there, so it is a great way to get to know other students.

North Park’s campus is full of small and large hangout and meeting spaces. Brandel图书馆 学习与出口有关系吗, 小组自习室, 舒适的椅子和沙发, 里, and more—it’s the perfect place to study on your own or with a group. They also have laptops, headphones, chargers, and more available to check out. 你可以找到所有你可以检查的东西的列表 Brandel的网站. Added bonus: you’ll be surrounded by all the research tools you’ll need.


  • 约翰逊中心 ——沙发, 表, 一楼的比克纳小酒馆(Bickner Bistro)有很多摊位, 还有舒适的工作空间, 楼里到处都是小休息室.
  • 卡尔森大厦大堂 ——沙发 and 表 make a great space for a quick break between classes.
  • 维京人咖啡馆 — This grab-and-go store also features plenty of 椅子, 表, and big-screen TVs.
  • 索尔伯格的合作实验室 -有沙发, 零食, 和一台电视, 因为它是多元化俱乐部的主要中心, 总会有一些有趣的事情发生.
  • Java Haus -在Burgh Hall的地下室, this student-run coffee and snack shop is open late and is the prime location for student performances and open-mic nights.
  • 伯格游戏室 -也在伯格府的地下室, the game room has both a study space and a rec room with pool and ping pong 表.
  • 马格努森校园中心 — The first floor is home to a small lounge room with vending machines, 找零机, and a photocopier; the campus dining hall is on the second floor.
  • 在宿舍或公寓与你的校园朋友 — Befriend students that live on campus and you could have a comfortable place to kick back, 喝杯咖啡, 玩棋盘游戏, 或者你的朋友喜欢什么 来访的时间当然了).

North Park has some nice dining options: The dining hall in 马格努森校园中心, 约翰逊中心的比克纳小酒馆和爱因斯坦兄弟百吉饼, 和卡尔森的维京咖啡馆. There is also a Flex Dollar credit system linked to North Park ID’s that students can use at all of the locations. 请参阅下面的通勤学生选项或 阅读更多关于校园餐饮的信息.

25块 -仅限通勤者:通勤学生的理想计划. 包括25次参观食堂和100美元弹性美元. $ 315 /学期.

All Flex $275 — Commuter only: $275 Flex Dollars that can be used in the dining hall, Einstein Bros. 百吉饼和维京咖啡. $ 250 /学期.


  • 卡尔森大厦内的维京咖啡馆
  • Brandel图书馆’s commuter lounge is located to the immediate left of the entrance and also contains 表, 椅子, 这件婚礼服, 盐, 和胡椒, 还有一台自动售货机.
  • Sohlberg Hall有微波炉、冰箱,甚至还有炉子!
  • Magnuson has a microwave located on the first floor, near the bathrooms.

是的,作为其中之一 学生会协会 许多措施, 他们在安德森厨房安装了冰和水分配器, 城镇大厅, and Ohlson Lobby for everyone to get clean fresh water as well as ice. 校园里也有饮水机.

是的! Foster Ave has a variety of options right across the street from campus. You’ll find Swedish food, Asian food, and three different taco places! If you’re in the mood for a walk, Lawrence Ave has many great spots as well.

我们有详细的 校园路线 如果你打算开车. North Park is about four blocks north of both the Kedzie and Kimball Brown Line stops, 福斯特也很容易到达(92), 加州道奇(1993), 和金博尔(80)巴士路线.

如果你打算开车去学校,那就读读北公园的 停车规例及程序 第一天上班前. 你可以购买北公园停车场的学期停车许可证 在线 or in the Student Services building for $100 (reduced fee is for commuter students only). 每日选项, there is paid street parking on Foster Ave and sometimes free parking on Carmen Ave. 这里有三个通勤停车场,都在科德齐街. Note that there is a two-week grace period to purchase and hang parking permits, so parking tends to be more full during the first two weeks of classes.

传统的本科学生可以报名参加我们的UPass项目. It costs $150 per semester and the card is good for unlimited rides through December 19th. 如果你把它弄丢了,要花50美元来补上. 电子邮件s will be sent to qualifying students to opt-in for the U-Pass at the start of the fall and spring term.

  • Once returning student’s U-Passes have been activated, they will receive a confirmation email.
  • 一旦新的学生u - pass已经交付, 他们会收到一封邮件,上面有提货指示.
  • 是的! 咨询支持服务提供心理健康咨询, 个别咨询, 团体咨询, 和推荐.
  • You can call at (773) 244-4897 or visit the office Monday through Friday 9:00 am to 4:30 pm.
  • The university nurse can provide some over-the-counter medications and conduct some tests under the direction of a doctor from Swedish Covenant Immediate Care.
  • 办公时间为周一至周五上午9:00至下午4:30.
  • 给护士发电子邮件: healthservices@rivercitysessions.com.
  • Helwig 一个两层的健身房对通勤者和居民开放吗. 有储物柜,但不能通宵使用. 考虑在约翰逊中心或布兰德尔租一个.
  • The wellness and recreation staff also assist in coordinating a wide range of group fitness and wellness opportunities, including intramural sports; our cheer, 跳舞, and step teams; group fitness classes, 健康挑战.
  • 是的! On-campus jobs are open to commuter students and residential students alike.
  • 查看两周一次的电子邮件公告以及 学生就业网站 寻找校内工作机会.
  • 航次活动委员会 — Our student led event planning team facilitates events both on and off campus. Attend their signature Viking Fair event where they bring together many organizations on campus!
  • MyNPU-Engage -通过转到事件选项卡, you’ll be able to see all of the meetings and events going on throughout campus.
  • Instagram -关注我们@northparkthreshold, @npustudent生活, @voyage_npu为不断的公告和更新.